스타일: Symphonic Black/Melodic Death Metal
앨범평점: 10/10
힘있고 웅장스런 멜블랙이라 에네르기가 솟는다.
러시아 음악을 요새 자주 듣는데 왜이리 좋은 음악들이
많은지 모르겠다..미녀와 야수스타일을 좋아라하는 나에겐
안성맞춤인 앨범인듯..
올해 이앨범이 넘 맘에들어서 전작도 바로 구해서 들어봣는데
역시 좋다..
전작히 조금 더 좋은것 같긴한데 올해 이 앨범에는 그래도 백업 여성 그로울링
보컬의 비중이 많이 나오는거 같아 기분은 좋다. 워낙 이녀석들은 남성들의 보컬은 굵은 그로울링과
가는 그로울링으로 구분이 되니깐 나머지 여성 그로울링 파트는 쉽게 찾을 순 있을것이다.
특히나 6번곡은 여성백업그로울링이 메인으로 많이 불러준다.
빠른템포로 나가다가 중간중간 감초역할로 나오는 이쁜 피아노리듬들은
잠시 흥분된 맘을 가라앉혀주게 만든게
매력적인듯하다.. 이런한거는 8번에서도 간혹 느껴볼 수도 있다.
8번곡 후반부턴 러시아말로 불러주는 솔로 여성소프라노 보이스도 상당히 듣기 좋긴하지만 말이다.
5번곡은 약간 처량한 보이스인데 우울할때 들으면 딱 맞을듯..
뭐 이녀석들도 몇달동안 쉬지않고 즐청할것같은 예감이든다..
요즘 그냥 대강듣고 앨범포스팅을 해버리거나 그냥 나조차도 묻혀버리는
앨범들이 많은데 흐흐 이녀석들은 이틀동안 집중도 있게 들어보앗는데
상당히 괜찮았었다.
- 01 Arcane Grail - Arcane Grail
- 02 Arcane Grail - of Snake and Raven
- 03 Arcane Grail - Autumn Wed Us, Sinned and Lone
- 04 Arcane Grail - Renaissant the Reverie
- 05 Arcane Grail - Sorrow of Forgotten Pride
- 06 Arcane Grail - Imprisoned in the Greatest War
- 08 Arcane Grail - Iniquitous Yoke
- 09 Arcane Grail - Святой Грааль
1.Arcane Grail
We illumed by light of lore
We search it in the scrolls
Etched by magi of yore
And covered by eternal glore
The ignorance slayeth us rapidly
We obey the mad crowd’s desires
And stride like lambs after shepherd
By the direct way toward infernal fires
Oh, ancient spirit of dear mother earth
Dost thou say to resign to this fate?
The day when we born, let woe worth
And love that we properly hate
But we don’t want!!!
Supreme power of the wisdom,
Eternal life that praised in tales,
To enlighten our kingdom,
It’s our craving arcane grail!
Supreme power of the valour,
Eternal life that praised in tales,
To enlighten our failures,
It’s our craving arcane grail!
Gules blood courseth in our flesh
Its incoagulable drops fed by the Sun
When she oozeth from wounds,
And with pacified glee we have sung
Sunlight consoleth our hearts
When the rue overwhelmeth it
Do guard us; demolish,
Ye, the Empyrean Powers,
The ghastful opaque in the wit
Sunlight consoleth our hearts
When the rue overwhelmeth it
Revived be and polish
The christian liars –
The rightful attack on the weak!
We are destined to wield the mighty strength
If we can endure the lures of the seven sins
And pass through the ninth gate of Hell
Pharisees that rule this world
(Whose breath erelong get burned
and whose indwellers’ damned by Lord)
Make us to be as everyone
But we obtest that to be like Gods is so much sweet,
(And this) warfare we won!
Because we have a stable right
To militate into the fray of fight!
‘Tis our Arcane Grail!
‘Tis our Arcane Grail!
‘Tis our Arcane Grail!
…to cognize the entity of God
It is our craving Arcane Grail!
2.of Snake and Raven
-Dialogue on Meru’s top-
“Black-and-white world spreads under my wings
Forests and streams, loughs and fields
Mount, give me the freedom, inaccessible for people,
Who’s potter underneath like ants,
Fuss and nonchalantly pass away”
In torments and pain, from famine and plagues
By hostile sword or in the bedroom, cursed
Religions, castles, money and slaves –
All these deeds, needless in graves
(Are nothing in contrast with freedom of spirit and mind!)
“Better to fly in the high
Toward the infinite stars
And be the goddess of the wind!”
Fly high in the sky
With my eyes
See my life
Be envious to our tribe!
Thousands shimmering flowers I see in the night
They radiate heat and lead me to the food
I’m fearless and strong, I’m rude
From my serpentine hissing the animals quiver
With my coils I’m asphyxia, by my venom I’m fever
My silhouette insinuates the terror and the palsy
But I am omnipotent and I can give the forces
For feeble people, dying from the maladies
And thirsting for salvation to die soon with their fallacies
These thoughts of snake and raven
Are sung on our brazen lips
Their worlds are secret havens
For our souls and boundless wits
We need to seek their grandeur!
3.Autumn Wed Us, Sinned and Lone
Deep in the autumn’s grave I lay
Watching grey sky cries day by day
Hearing the silent song of the past
Feeling my future how comes to dust
Winter comes on a yesterday’s rain
With bitter smile is painted in grey
Dressed in a suit of frozen tears
They are not mine – but fallen leaves…
Winter calls with the howl of winds
Which intricate between branches of trees
I foretell that my soul too
Will go to pieces finding you
Frozen earth still keeping my sleep
My heart stopped beating under your feet
There are no dreams as there are no you
Here by my side, how sad but true…
Summer blooms after springs down
With worried flight of cirrus clouds
Warned of a thunder in piercing rain
They make me glad – but worsened pain…
Summer ends with the croak of rooks
Which fly to south leaving my wounds
I foretell that my reason too
Will go to cities finding you
Lie naked on wet bed
I count our past lives in my head
“Leave it behind!”
Murrey blood and autumn wed
Our fates that dyed in red…
Wears of love
Weave it from blood
And rain of salt tears,
Like bird of love
Like light breeze’s puff
Sweeping us, beloved, to heavenly…
Pain, filth, hate
Bane, grief,
Your thirsting knife’s blade,
Copulate it with veins and wait for the trip
Then tremors in throat, first step to the grip
Of hairy queen’s hand that wieldeth the rod
Of the life or the mort
Because you’re fool,
Self-dependent parting’s tool
Don’t be unfaithful to your love, which granted by the Lucid Gods
When Norn unites the clues of lots, creating flower of love
Without fail we need to find our roving second half
And without part we’ll keep the flame of our hearts like only origin of life
This zygote of true happiness and harmony for us
Heed me, my love, I feel your heart
Your darling warmth not far away but
Impenetrable grounds divide
Us and I trust we’ll meet some time!
Autumn roars with funeral gales
It brings me cold, it roughly wales
My weary soul that turns into sore
Sophistic thoughts that clothed in gore
Autumn falls with the gold of leafage
I’ll be eternal winter’s liege
You whisper me that “My heart misses!”
For my clasps and ardent kisses…
Ghostly smoke covers my bed –
Here I lay can’t rise my head
Under glass-painted by the frost –
I enchained my faith to lost
Trembling, freezing in the fairy land
I won’t read the answer for the letter I’ve sent
Sleeping, watching all the strangest dreams
I will never rise again my wings…
Anguished slough will not absorb
Our feelings and our throb
I please, believe and hope!
Look upon the frights of mob
Rise thyself o’er the globe!
4.Renaissant the Reverie
Look upon this filthful world
Besmirched to sullied trash
Heavens are swarmed with poisonous smoke
Rivers are soured with chemicals
The earth in oxidation
Our technical progress is self-annihilation
Evil grown in our souls
Betrayal and hatred preside over those
Corruptions steeped in our blood
Mankind is like a gay-parade
The freedom of flesh and wit is splendour of our seed
Rotten corpse on wooden cross is sign of feeble spirit
Christ is pawn in game of rat-men
The power of artful, money for poor
Undone the great and sacred sun-men
Turn the man from path of Gods (to road of muckworms)
Weakness leads to self-denial,
Thirst for comfort leads to (soul)-mire
There’s no joy in wealth of purse, there is in wealthy soul
But now it’s worn like sieve of gilded-maddened doll
Wisdom of ancients in our blood
Rise from the ashes, heavens’ light in our eyes
Sword of truth, seize in hand
Let people’s embers will be rend
Get wiser for our glorious Rod
Get stronger for the sake of loved
Get brighter in the name of brood
Be real, opened the conscience’s route
Men consumes ourselves inside
Swallowing the all around
This anecdote we’ll stop by bomb
Our want to die – salvation’s gone!
But I believe there is a Love
She rules this world, she’s higher Gods
Mankind is not yet spawn of evil
We’ll save ourselves if we’re revering
Gift of life, divinity’s sigh
Our souls and paths from kingdom of skies
Beautiful bodies for endowment of love
Children of Earth, Ye fuel of Her hearth
We must take care Her not sparing our hearts
Hail the Light!
You saw the loathing of the present
Your gaze’s turned from fumes-mankind
Progress completed in regresses
This is horrid matricide
Woe to nation, whose children die not on forefathers’ land
And not recall their customs, craving life like other ants
The curse of lapse lied upon hands
Divine-bred we fell of plants side of worse
Unleashed the wars for painted timbers and dried corpse
Tend thy land and folk
Be their loyal guards and hawks
Mother-heart is your pure thread
Love your family and friends
Hate your rivals for the pain
Praise and raise your inmost flame
Ring of life bleeds from your sins
You’ll be in it, but you can slit
Be the Theos of perfection
Mend this world for resurrection
Do you want to be the God?
Get wiser for our glorious Rod
Get stronger for the sake of love!
5.Sorrow of Forgotten Pride
Crave the blood of our grands
Consumed by eternal haze
Left the path of roaring ties
Led by ancient signs
Sorrow lies
See the lightning’s magic glare
Fire, water, earth and air
Sow the seeds to our land
Reaped by honoured men
Mourning fens to memorize
Joy of balmy-granted suns
Pride… and sorrow dies
Fill the mead on our lips
Hail and sing to send away…
Away the weeps!
And shame as curse on our hands
Buried by voracious sands
Heft the burden of our sins
Led by weird wins
Now we bleed
Seal the hightning’s tragic dull
Colour, grimed by human hull
Row the weeds of our land
Awoken by indebted men
Duty calls to vitalize
Joy of balmy-granted suns
Pride… and sorrow dies
Fill the mead on our lips
Send away the worthless weeps
The weeps of our orphaned kind
We’d forgot about pride
But fylfot flies in bloodied skies
Inundated souls rise!
And sorrow dies…
6. Imprisoned in the Greatest War
I’ll rear your flesh!
I’m prisoner of my own thoughts
The holy flesh’ production
The blood of my own is your truth
But my rage of destruction
Mankind had crossed the line
Where I could not smell their stench
Victimized roles of this play
Nothing more they may to gain
Yeah, I’ll rear their flesh
Yeah, I’ll slay them all
Damned, they shall be slashed
Welt, we’ll clean their souls
Ancient army awakes
Weapons of war in their hands
Muzzle of Death looks for you
Leading from birth to the end
Run! Run away!
Through the forest of dead and insane
To the place where Lethe flows
To the place where your fear grows!
Don’t wait for your fate
Rule sway by thyself and comprehend
We must direct the way of stars
We’re all can be not worse than the Gods!
Raise thy spirits, bravest men!
Ascend the dome of heathen realm!
Mother freedom calls our souls for
Victory in Greatest War
Glorify the New World Order!
7.Die Sonnenhymne
Heil dir, Sonne!
Heil dir, Licht!
Heil dir, leuchtender Tag!
Erhelle meine Seele
Heil dir, Wotan!
Der Gott der Götter!
Schenke mir Weisheit!
Heil dir, Welt!
Heil dir, o Erde!
Gib mir Kraft!
Ich sehe das Zeichen
Die Runen des Schicksals
Unsere Herzen wie Stahl
Wir werden siegen
Wir werden Helden und gewinnen den Krieg!
8.Iniquitous Yoke
Grandeur of the Self-Victored Soul
"I am the breath of Death…”
I am the noctiwhirlblast who shall gyve ye, mankind’s senate
My reveries shall emanate from these darksome weird
Palms, thy wit as a chalice shall saturate
With newborn lore it shall regenerate
Ye subhuman chthonian bairn
My satrapy will nurture thee
Thou ne’er canst to vail
Thy sapience will be fathomless
And outsoar the astral wain
Barely by thy mental vitalized decree
“All thy deeds shall be the donaries
For my foreverness!”
My ghostly ascendancy over thee
Shall be aeonian, the fee
Is to receive the incorrigible infinity
Thou shouldst rule the theurgic sorceries!
The winds and the waves shall obey…
“It’s my vow!”
Thy breath and the clouds shall swim till your hour!
Beneath thy wisest lour and scowl
Ye shall lord of beasts and fowls!
Beneath my wisest mow
Ye shall sailor on my prow!
Assume new shape in holy town
Of Gods where souls of men are sown
Beneath thy wisest lour and scowl
Ye shall lord of beasts and fowls!
Entreaty to the God of The Sun
“Мы молимся Солнцу,
Бессмертному Свету,
Чьи кони быстры.
И Солнце светит,
И Солнце греет,
Стоят божества
Все сотнями тысяч
И счастье вбирают
И счастье вручают,
Земле, данной Родом!..”
Perception of the Human Infirmity
I am the thought that travel in the maelstrom of facades
Passable through nine heavens in the trance
Voyager of other sides
Rower of the cosmic tides
Learned the ways to all the worlds
I am the mortal and the Shadow haunts
Oh, She is real!
Death is near!
She comes to me!
The wage for it is thy pent animae
All your good feelings
“Quit thee!”
But ye couldst snap this pain
If to overcome the desire to reign
And now ye shall moulder to dust
But neither to weep for you the brine!
Святой Грааль
Озаримся светом знаний,
Найденных в скрижалях Вед,
Вскинем к небу наши длани –
К правде прежних славных лет!
Бросимся в Ярилы пламя –
Солнца негасимый свет
Честь и кровь да правят нами
Было так и будет впредь!
Предавши богов и помазавшись злом,
Возжелавши спокойствия райского сада
Словно стадо овец за пастухом
Мы бежим по дороге к мытарствам ада…
Мать-земля, услышь меня!
Отриня от мя зло – это воля моя
Силы предай, душу согрей
В росе искупай вешних полей!
Мы жаждем мудрости желаний,
Вечной жизни, но не рай
Мы ищем свет, мы ищем знанье
Это наш Святой Грааль!
Великую силу и славу деяний,
Годы исканий терять нам не жаль
Обрести свет осознанья
Солнца свет – Святой Грааль!
В наших венах кровь богов –
Кровь, что жарче кварцев Солнца
Созерцая яр костров,
Мы пройдём сквозь все кольца сознания!
В танце миров закружась
Огненным вихрем, морскою волною,
Звездой гореть в небосводе,
Мгновения жить словно годы
Волком ли слыть, холодной луной…
Рунами петь, сурьей пьянясь,
Лезвием кровь выпуская на волю,
«Клясться любить, верною быть!»
Навеки смирить Долю с Недолей!
Мы рождены владеть великой силой
Воспрять над духом, Солнца свет глазами пить,
И перейдя мосты от сердца в Ирий,
Над древом мира облаками плыть
Лжецы, что правят этим миром,
Чей воздух поражён пожаром,
И воды рек объяты ядом,
Сожгли дубравы, сделали рабами,
Заставили отречься от богов,
Но мы прогоним крыс тех рой
Мы возвещаем эру Светлой Расы
Раховы зов зовёт нас в бой!
Мудростью предков венчаны мы,
Жизнью вечной обручены,
Мы не скажем миру – «Прощай»,
Мы найдём Святой Грааль!
Великую силу и славу деяний,
Годы исканий терять нам не жаль
Озариться светом знаний,
Обрести Святой Грааль!
О Боги, раскройте наши очи
Взглядом проникнуть в лазурную даль –
Где-то там Святой Грааль!
Где же наш Святой Грааль?
В сердце ищи его – знай!
Что же наш Святой Грааль?
- Отчизны светлый край!
Великую силу и славу деяний,
Годы исканий терять нам не жаль
Обрести свет осознанья –
Обрести Святой Грааль!
Безупречность осознанья:
В нас самих Святой Грааль!
1. Arcane Grail 05:00
2. of Snake and Raven 03:48
3. Autumn Wed Us, Sinned and Lone 06:24
4. Renaissant the Reverie 06:09
5. Sorrow of Forgotten Pride 04:24
6. Imprisoned in the Greatest War 02:59
7. Die Sonnenhymne 01:35
8. Iniquitous Yoke 03:43
9. The Holy Grail 05:05
[Current Line Up]
Demether (2001-) - Male Vocals (Skylord (Rus); Chaos Alter, Enlighten, Yarost, Armaga)
Natalie (2004-) - Female Vocals (Nemeton (Rus), Ambehr, Andem)
Alexander (2002-) - Drums
Mara (Chaos Alter) - cello
Bruno (Melancholy) - cello
Fedor Vetrov (Wind of Water) - viola, violin
Art (Ambehr) - back vocal in "Arcane Grail"
[Former Member]
Svartur (2001-2004)
Lexium (2005) (Enlighten, The Neverland)
Eugen (2002-2009)
Ork (2002)
Damien (2002-2005) (on "Mysteries...")
Kir (2005-2009)
Art (2005, 2009) - live session bass (Ambehr)
Semyon (2001-2002)
Anastasia (2002-2009) - Keyboards (Nebokray; Concordia)
Freya (2009) - live session keys (Blackthorn (Rus))
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