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Metal Jukebox

Lezwieliza - 2009 Flesh Drug

사용자 삽입 이미지
국가: 러시아
스타일: Nu Metal//Alternative Metal

애니 누님 보컬은 Otep밴드의 오텝 샤마야 누님 보컬톤과 많이 흡사한듯하다.
표지도 조금 ㅎㄷㄷ하다 ㅎㅎ..
그런데 생각난김에 올만에 오텝을 찾아보니 뜻하지 않는 신보일정 소식을 들었다..
요번달 19일날 신보가 나올예정이라니 방갑기도하다 +_+..
미리듣기 한곡은 마이스페이스 가면 있으니 즐감해보시구..

1. Lezwieliza - My Self-Destruction (3:36)
2. Lezwieliza - Coming Back (3:28)
3. Lezwieliza - Milk in Veins (3:04)
4. Lezwieliza - Flesh Drug (4:02)
5. Lezwieliza - Place for a Damned (5:04)
6. Lezwieliza - Cannibal Puppets (2:59)
7. Lezwieliza - MadneSS (3:28)
8. Lezwieliza - Getting of the Game (3:14)
9. Lezwieliza - (hidden track) - outro (2:56)

[Line Up]

Annie - Female vocal
Den - guitar
Andrew - guitar
Zaparna - bass
Sashk - drums

Group was formed in 2006 with the arrival of [vokalistki]. The basis of group already existed already long ago, but output to the scene substantially hindered in connection with the absence of the suitable vocalist. Long time group was occupied by the search for aspirants on in its place, but without result. Musicians continued their activity in the different [samarskikh] associations. After the forming of the kept balance composition the group of beginning to actively write material and to rehearse, being prepared for the forthcoming concert - the first in their joint creation. After the successful debut, which took place on November 28, 2008, group begins active concert activity, after which it decides to pass to the new level. After writing down several [demo]- tracks, musicians plan to appear at the large musical festivals and to find more and it is more than adherents. --------------- we are of sorry, english of version of will be of later)