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Metal Jukebox

Timeless Miracle - 2005 Into The Enchanted Chamber

사용자 삽입 이미지
국가: 스웨덴
스타일: Melodic Power Metal

그로울링은 없는 파워메탈이니 비매탈매냐도 충분히 만끽 하실 수있는 메탈..
지금은 멜쓰메라는 용어자체는 잘 안쓰는 편이지만 멜쓰메 광팬이라면 필청 앨범이고,
바이올린의 현악파트부분과 스피드함이 감상 키포인트..

1. Timeless Miracle - Curse of the Werewolf (7:13)
2. Timeless Miracle - Witches of Black Magic (4:24)
3. Timeless Miracle - Into the Enchanted Chamber (6:06)
4. Timeless Miracle - The Devil (5:28)
5. Timeless Miracle - The Red Rose (5:41)
6. Timeless Miracle - A Minor Intermezzo (1:20)
7. Timeless Miracle - Return of the Werewolf (4:55)
8. Timeless Miracle - Memories (4:13)
9. Timeless Miracle - The Gates of Hell (4:21)
10. Timeless Miracle - Down to the Gallows (5:45)
11. Timeless Miracle - The Dark Side Forest (0:47)
12. Timeless Miracle - The Voyage (14:10)

[Current Line Up]
Mikael Holst - Vocals/Bass
Fredrik Nilsson - Keyboards/Guitars
Sten Möller - Guitars
Kim Widfors - Drums

Violin on “Into the Enchanted Chamber” by Nina Christensen
Backing vocals on “Return of the Werewolf” by Michael Rickbo
Additional guitar leads by Pontus Lindmark

[Former Member]
Jaime Salazar - Drums (Blakk Totem, Midnight Sun (Swe), Opus Atlantica , Planet Alliance, Allen / Lande, Last Tribe)